Cayzu Help Desk Support

Frequently asked questions

Add a timesheet explained
Automatically categorizing and prioritizing tickets using assignment rules (Automation)
Can a contact have two different accounts in each of my brand's End-User Portals?
Can an agent email in a support ticket?
Can I add a due date on a ticket?
Can I add a private reply on a ticket (that users/customers won't see)?
Can I allow my customers to reply using a ticket link without having to log in ( public )?
Can I as an agent, manually create a ticket for an agent/customer?
Can I associate all contacts with the same domain name to one company?
Can I cancel my Cayzu Help Desk subscription at any time?
Can I configure a contact to be able to see all tickets of his/her company?
Can I convert a support ticket into a knowledge base article ?
Can I copy all correspondence to an email address automatically?
Can I create a support ticket for a customer without having to email them?
Can I create a Whitelist to restrict which email addresses and domains can create tickets?
Can I create custom agent roles?
Can I create multiple products in Cayzu?
Can I create private knowledge base articles that only agents can see?
Can I customize the columns on the ticket grid?
Can I embed videos from youtube in my articles (FAQs, Topics, News) ?
Can I export ticket data from Cayzu ?
Can I have multiple products or brands that use different email addresses?
Can I hide the search bar from the End-User Portal?
Can I hide the sign up from the End-User Portal?
Can I import my contacts into Cayzu ?
Can I lock down an agent to only view tickets from a specific brand?
Can I make an agent inactive?
Can I perform bulk actions like assign, respond, change the status and delete multiple tickets at once?
Can I print a support ticket?
Can I remove the Powered by Cayzu Help Desk messaging?
Can I set a specific billing rate per agent?
Can I set individual agent permissions ?
Can I set time tracking to billable by default?
Can I show the Timesheet to the associated customer in the End-User Portal?
Can I tag tickets and articles with TAGS ?
Can I track the time I spend on a support ticket?
Can I upgrade my plan at any time?
Can I use email commands or parameters to set specific ticket criteria?
Configuring SSO for Active Directory (AD) and LDAP (Agent Portal)
Creating common answer templates (macros) with Quick Responses
Customizing ticket fields and properties
Customizing your End-User Portal settings
Date formats explained
Does Cayzu allow an agent to assume the identity of another agent?
Does Cayzu Help Desk have an API?
Does Cayzu offer SSL certificates (encryption) for my own vanity End-User Portal domain?
Does Cayzu support a 24 hour clock as a date format?
Does Cayzu support custom fields ?
Email templates defined: Agent and Requester emails
Email templates: New Reply Submitted & New ticket Created - Explained
Getting started guide for new agents
Help Desk Reports Defined
How can an agent change his or her notification settings?
How can an agent change his or her signature?
How can I add a company to my Cayzu support portal?
How can I add a contact to my Cayzu support portal?
How can I add a new SLA policy at the brand level?
How can I add a new SLA policy for a specific company or group?
How can I add a service contract?
How can I add an attachment to my articles?
How can I add custom fields to my help desk?
How can I add Dropbox Integration into Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I add Highrise Integration into Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I add more languages to my End-User Portal?
How can I add or modify agents to my Cayzu help desk portal?
How can I add SalesForce Integration into Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I add SugarCRM Integration into Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I add SuiteCRM Integration into Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I add Survey Monkey Integration into Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I auto-login to my End-User Portal from my website?
How can I brand my end-user customer portal?
How can I change an agent's role and/or permissions ?
How can I change my date format?
How can I change my mailbox signature?
How can I change my password (agent portal) or reset it?
How can I change my reply starting text for tickets?
How can I change my starting ticket number / id?
How can I change or add drop down values ( statuses ) for tickets?
How can I change or add drop down values for tasks in Time Entries?
How can I change the HTML for emails that get sent from Cayzu?
How can I change the ticket submitted message on the End-User Portal?
How can I change the url my logo points to?
How can I convert my support emails into Cayzu support tickets?
How can I convert my Tawk chat sessions into tickets?
How can I create a secondary (or multiple) brands in my Cayzu Helpdesk portal?
How can I create articles that are displayed on my end-user customer portal?
How can I create multiple mailboxes?
How can I create my own or public custom ticket filter views ?
How can I define Business or Calendar Hours in my helpdesk portal?
How can I edit a ticket's time & billing values?
How can I ensure I am receiving email responses from Cayzu support?
How can I find my customer support URL in the Cayzu helpdesk portal?
How can I find my primary brand Cayzu address?
How can I find my unique email forwarding address for my brand?
How can I force contacts to login to see my articles?
How can I forward a reply to a 3rd party?
How can I get my API key / token?
How can I integrate Freshbooks Classic with Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I integrate JIRA with Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I integrate ZOHO CRM into Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I merge a ticket?
How can I modify emails that agents and requesters receive from Cayzu?
How can I purchase a Cayzu Help Desk Subscription?
How can I purchase more agents for my Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I reduce my spam?
How can I reply to a support ticket?
How can I set a default bcc email address on each ticket?
How can I set a default cc email address on each ticket?
How can I set my end-user customer portal to use my own custom vanity domain?
How can I set up LiveChat in my Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I set up Tawk in my Cayzu Help Desk?
How can I setup an email forward to use my own vanity email address to create tickets?
How can I setup custom forms?
How can I setup Olark Chat Webhook in Cayzu?
How can I stop the SLA on a ticket?
How can I test my custom domain to see if it's resolving correctly?
How can I tie my time and billing from Cayzu into QuickBooks online?
How can I turn off an email template from being sent?
How can I turn off and/or customize email notifications that both my agents and customers receive?
How can I turn the emails on or off that agents or requesters get from Cayzu?
How can I use a Quick Response (or article) to more efficiently answer a support ticket?
How do I add live chat and calling in my End-User Portal with Skype?
How do I create an Asset Category?
How do I create an SPF record to ensure that my emails are delivered properly?
How do I find my invoices?
How do I find the link to my End-User Portal?
How do I Integrate Cayzu with Slack ?
How do I integrate my end-user customer portal with Google Analytics?
How do I link my Facebook page to Cayzu?
How do I link my Twitter account to Cayzu?
How do I make myself (an agent) unavailable to receive tickets through Round Robin?
How do I setup LogMeIn Rescue in Cayzu?
How do my customers log in to view their help ticket history?
How does SurveyMonkey Integration work?
How does the LiveChat integration work?
How is the billing rate calculated for the time sheet report?
How to add Facebook Oath - SSO log in customer portal
How to add Google SSO - Customer portal
How to create folders and sub folders for my knowledge ( categories )
How to Cut Your Support Requests by 50% in 3 Minutes!
How to manually assign a ticket to a group
How to organize agents into Groups
How to split a customer response into a new ticket?
I try to log in to my helpdesk portal but my account is not activated. What do I do?
If CNAME / DNS doesn't work. customer should try this
If I delete an agent are the agent's associated tickets deleted as well?
I'm trying to login to the portal and get this error: The account specified has been marked as inactive, please contact your system admin
I'm trying to purchase a paid subscription plan but I get this error: You currently have more agents than you specified to purchase
List of variables that can be replaced in email templates
My agents aren't showing up in the Assignee field. What do I do?
My credit card has expired. How do I update it?
My emails are not being converted into tickets (office365 alias) ?
Passing (forwarding) an email to your support address
Reports: Transaction date range explained
Submit support from your website with the support widget
What are Business Hours and Calendar Hours?
What are SLA 's and what do they mean to my customers?
What are the differences in agent role types?
What does "unlimited agents" really mean?
What does: Is Primary, change when editing/adding a mailbox ?
What happens when I merge tickets together?
What information does Cayzu need to issue a new SSL (encryption) certificate for my end-user customer portal?
What is a filter view and how does it affect my ticket list?
What is agent collision detection and how does it work?
What is Asset Management?
What is my portal's default time zone and how can I change it?
What is Round Robin and how do I enable it?
What is the color column in the ticket list?
What is the purpose of the Is Primary Brand check mark?
What languages does Cayzu Support for the End-User Portal?
What payment methods does Cayzu accept?
When I assign a ticket to myself, does it email me the ticket assigned email?
Which browsers does Cayzu Help Desk support?
Why does the Full Name field randomly show up on the end-user portal?
Will I be charged tax on my invoice?