How to associate an asset to a specific company and/or contact?

Updated: 12/15/2021
Article #: 285

Asset Management allows you to create & track your own company's assets (computers, cars, phones etc..) as well as assets that belong to your contacts and/or companies that you service or manage.

Cayzu's Asset Management is completely customizable as we give you the ability to set up your own Asset Categories and associated fields.  

So for example (below), you could have an Asset Category called "Vehicle" that also allows you to input the:

-VIN #

This Asset could then be applied to either a company or a contact. 


To associate an asset to either a company or contact, follow these steps: 

1. Log in to your Cayzu Help Desk with an agent 

2. Click Contacts (left menu)

3. Now sort by Company or Contact (Depending if the asset belongs to a specific Company or Contact) 


4. Click on the company or contact name you'd like to associate the asset to.

5. Now Click either Actions - "Add Asset" or "Add Asset to Company" 

6. Fill in the on-screen options and Click Save when done.

7. You're all set. The asset is now associated to the company/contact of your choosing.




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