E101 - Cannot Create Ticket - How do I avoid this?
Updated: 10/19/2021
Article #: 361
Cayzu Help Desk has built in protection from Brute Force attacks by automatically monitoring for large influx of tickets from specific email addresses. For example, your help desk could receive 10 emails in a short period of time from customer@abc.com. If it's determined to be suspicious, there is a chance that the system will give you a E101 error and block that email address from creating tickets for a short period of time. E101 could also occur in the agent portal with agent emails.
To avoid the E101 error, you need to either add your domain or specific email addresses into your white list. For example, if your email is shawn@abc.com you could add the domain: @abc.com and/or the specific email: shawn@abc.com.
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