How can I get a list of tickets based on ticket creation time using the API?

Updated: 06/06/2022
Article #: 356

Cayzu's API allows you to pull out tickets that were created in a specified time interval using the following API call:

GET api/Support_Ticket/OtherTickets?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&statusId={statusId}&brandId={brandId}&priorityId={priorityId}&ticketTypeId={ticketTypeId}&createStartDateTimeUtc={createStartDateTimeUtc}&createEndDateTimeUtc={createEndDateTimeUtc}&includeDescription={includeDescription}


To get more details about the available parameters, see: here 


Example 1. To pull out tickets that were created on April, 2021 the API call would be:


Example 2. To pull out tickets that were created between a certain date interval, example: April 9, 2021 between 8:00am and 6:00pm. The API call would be:



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