Can I make a ticket private?

Updated: 09/14/2022
Article #: 330

Private tickets allow you to create a ticket on behalf of a customer/user without the customer or user being privy to it.  Private tickets won't be emailed to the customer/user nor will they be available if the user logged in to your end-user portal. 

Private tickets can be used to post tickets that you don't necessarily want your customer or user to see.  For example, a technician could notice a system issue for a customer on the weekend, quickly fixes it and then patches the system.   The technician would then post a private ticket to keep a history of the issue without having to cause panic for no reason.

Note: Once a ticket is created as either Public or Private, it can't be changed.

To create a private ticket, follow these steps: 

1.Log in to the help desk portal

2.Click +New button and select New Ticket

3. Fill in the appropriate information and once complete, Click On this checkbox: Make this ticket private 


4. Once complete, click Save or Save & New to create the ticket.




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