SSO agent portal: Automatically passing a parameter for SSO type & domain name

Updated: 07/13/2022
Article #: 303

When setting up SSO within Cayzu, you will given a Permanent Link that can be used for the agent portal to avoid having to fill out the Domain, SSO type and SSO name before authenticating the login through SSO : 

For certain situations, like if your help desk allows you to log in through both SSO and the regular sign in mechanism, you might want to create a URL link to avoid having to spend the extra time filling out the pre-entry questions.

To create a URL link to avoid the pre-entry questions, follow these steps: 

1. Set up SSO for the agent portal

2. After successfully setting up SSO, you'd follow this this standard: 

For example, if you are using SIMPLE SSO and your domain name is , you would give them the following URL to log into:

If you were using SAML and your domain was, you would provide them this URL:

3.Once set up, simply provide your agents with your customized URL which will allow them to then bypass the pre-entry questions to then authenticate with SSO.


Note: The SSO name, will still need to be selected by your agents.  Using the permanent link would avoid this. 



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