Linking a time sheet billing entry to another system via the API

Updated: 11/21/2019
Article #: 301

Cayzu is commonly used as a method to track customer inquiries that will be later billed on.  Billing details can be exported from Cayzu natively to excel, Harvest billing, Freshbooks and to other systems using the API.


To link billing data between Cayzu and another system, follow these steps: 



1. The first step is creating a company and a contact within Cayzu.  (Example: ABC Inc.) 


2. Within Cayzu you would create a custom field that is associated to a company.  This custom field will hold the Company ID that is currently being used in your legacy (or custom) billing system.  Example of the custom field name would be: customerID.


3. After the custom field "customerID" is created you would update all companies with the appropriate Customer ID that is currently assigned to that company in your billing system.


4. Using the API, you would get all the time entries logged in a given time frame using this call:





  "start_date": "2019-02-01T13:11:23.8158715-05:00",
  "end_date": "2019-02-20T13:11:23.8158715-05:00",
  "filter_on": 0,
  "company_id": 0,
  "agent_id": 0



5. Using the new call below, you will call the below API and specify the company_id returned by the Cayzu API in step 4 above.


6. This will give you the company name and the customerID custom field from Cayzu. Use the custom field that you defined as the customerID in your other billing system to link the companies & their associated billing details to your other system.




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