Configuring Dependent (Conditional) Fields

Updated: 12/06/2021
Article #: 242

Dependent fields (also known as Cascading select fields or Conditional fields) are used when you want to provide your user or agents with a decision tree type of field.  Dependent fields can have a MAXIMUM of 3 hierarchy levels.  (example below in the screenshot)

For example, let's say that you are a business that services car tires and rims.  To better understand the user's specific problem you want to set up the following dependent field using a custom form: 

At the highest level, you will ask: 

What are you having a problem with?: Tire or Rim? 

If the user selects Tire, you will then ask the following questions: 

Is it a? 
-Firestone tire 
-Toyo tire
-Other type 

If the user selects RIM, you will then ask the following questions: 

Is it a? 
-New Rim
-Used Rim

Now if the user selects "Used Rim", or "New Rim" You want them to confirm their selection by asking: Yes or No.  

To set up the above example in Cayzu Help Desk, you would follow these steps: 

1-Log in to your agent portal using an administrative log in 


2-Click on Admin (left side menu) to access the Admin section


3-Click on Custom Fields 


4-Click Actions - Add Ticket/Form Field and select Dependent Field  


5-Provide a Field Name: Example: What are you having a problem with? 


6-Now under the Drop down items, you will fill in the following using TABS (not the spacebar)

7-Once complete, you will Click SAVE. 


8-You will now want to associate the custom field to a form.  


9-Once complete, the dependent field will be available for use within your form on your end-user portal. It will look like this: 





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