How do I integrate my end-user customer portal with Google Analytics?

Updated: 05/25/2022
Article #: 24

To integrate your Cayzu Help desk end-user customer portal with Google Analytics follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Google Analytics account and Click the Admin.

2. Select the Account and then drop down the Property and select Create New Property*.

3. Fill in all the Property details with the Website URL being your end-user customer portal's web address (ex- or )  and Click: Get Tracking ID.

4. After copying the Tracking ID, log in to your Cayzu help desk account with an administrative account.

5. Click the Admin Sprocket and then Click App Integration.

6. Now Click "ON", next to the Google Analytics Integration and input in your Google Analytics Tracking ID and Click Update.

*Alternatively: If you don't want to create a secondary Property and would like your end-user customer portal data to be displayed in combination to another property, you will need to set-up cross domain tracking in Google Analytics.

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