How can I auto-login to my End-User Portal from my website?
Updated: 09/14/2022
Article #: 183
The following instructions require you to call our API to pass the required information to auto-login:
To activate this, please go to your End-User Portal Settings in the Agent portal and enable it for the brand you would like to allow this feature (Enable users to automatically sign in with an encrypted token) Ex) ![]() Once you have done that, you can call the API to get the required information to log in. Using the API: First you will want to call this to encrypted the email address and it will return you the token to use to auto-login: POST: Body: { "username": "" } Response: { "token": "SyhsdlVTS2lVUXFNV0l3VWtkNEhtQjQ1YlBDS0VHTkhrL0JodUlCOEhRdTJYeXFGWGtzTU9COXlUbW5mTDFiaVFWako2OWVwYlBJWnpzbXNKVkNHWEE2eXpwbFBNZzFZZUJTZHlkMnb2clVGRGdnUTd4SjBKZU1LMjhaSmxyb3c=", "success": true } So now you can use the token returned for the auto-sign on the end-user portal. If something goes wrong you will be notified with an error message. How to pass the contact token to your customer portal: < generated token value > |