How can I reduce my spam?

Updated: 05/27/2022
Article #: 156

Cayzu works with SpamAssassin to try to help reduce the amount of spam you receive into your ticket system.

SpamAssassin determines the spam score and based on your spam setting in Cayzu we ignore the ticket and put it in your Spam mailbox.

To change your spam score settings, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the Cayzu help Desk portal with an administrative account.  

2. Click on Admin (left side menu) to access the Admin section.

3. Click on Ticket Settings.

4. Change the value (2-10) for the Spam Score (Email only)

Note: To be more STRICT on incoming emails, lower the SPAM score (minimum is 2), To be less strict on incoming emails, raise the spam score (up to 10).

Note: The lower your SPAM score is, the more tickets will get caught in your SPAM filter.

5. Click Save.

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