How can I turn off and/or customize email notifications that both my agents and customers receive?

Updated: 05/27/2022
Article #: 125

The majority of events within the Cayzu Help Desk system will trigger an email that is automatically sent to either the end-customer, agent or both.

By default all emails are turned ON.  To turn an email template OFF, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Cayzu help desk portal with an administrative account.

2. Click on Admin (left side menu) to access the Admin section.

3. Click Emails.

4. You will now see a list of events with their associated email templates under Email Templates at the bottom of the screen. These are organized by emails that agent and requesters (customers/users) receive.

5. To customize an email template, Click Edit and to turn an email notification ON or OFF simply toggle between the ON/OFF button.

Note: Make note that there are two pages of email templates for both Agents and Requesters.

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