Does Cayzu support custom fields ?

Updated: 01/13/2022
Article #: 66

Cayzu allows you to create custom fields so you can capture the specific data you need from your customers.  By default, we include a bunch of standard fields like Requester, Subject and Description. Additionally, you can add custom fields that can be filled out when your customers create a ticket.


If you are a shoe store, you could create a drop down field and ask the customer what type of shoe you have and have them select it before submitting a ticket

To create a custom field, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Cayzu Help Desk portal with an administrative account

2. Click Admin from the left Menu

3. Click Manage Custom Fields 

4. You now select if you want to associate the custom field to a Form (end-user portal and ticket creation), to a Company/Contact (to track extra information about a company or a contact) or to an asset.  

5. Once you've selected the appropriate radio button (Forms, Company, Contact, Assets) you will then Click Add New Field.

6. Select from the type of field and fill in all the required information and Click Save.

7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 until you've added all the fields necessary for your help desk. 

Note: Remember, you will need to associate the custom field to a form for it to be displayed when creating a ticket manually by an agent or via the end-user portal by a customer.

Want more information on Cayzu Help desk, visit: 


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