How can I reply to a support ticket?

Updated: 06/06/2022
Article #: 17

One of the fundamental benefits of having a help desk solution is the ability to keep your support requests organized and easily accessible for your entire team. Now that you have a support request, you'll want to answer it.  See our general steps below, or see our YouTube Tutorial that covers all the functions of the individual ticket screen.

To reply to a support ticket, follow these steps: 

1. Log in to your Cayzu help desk account.

2. Click Tickets from the left menu.

3. Click Reply.

4. Update the following information:

Put in a response in the body message box.
Add a CC email address if you want the ticket copied to another address (Optional).
Edit the type (Issue, Complaint etc.. ) (Optional).
Edit the priority (Low, Medium etc...) (Optional).
Edit the source (Email, Phone etc... ) (Optional).
Edit the status (Pending Development, Pending Customer etc..) (Recommended).
Edit the product (Your specific products) (Optional).
Edit Tags (Used to improve search) (Optional).

5. Once complete, Click Send. The ticket will now be updated.

Want more information on Cayzu Helpdesk, visit: 

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