Help Desk Reports Defined

Updated: 05/10/2022
Article #: 15

Cayzu Help Desk gives your business crucial insights so you have the metrics needed to ensure that your customers are being taken care of.  Below you will find a list of all our reports with a description of each.

General Reports

1. Summary: This reports provides a general overview of key statistics of how your support team is performing.

2. Helpdesk Load Analysis: This report provides two charts that plot Tickets by Time of Arrival and Tickets Received vs Resolved.

3. Top Viewed FAQs: This report provides a list of FAQs with the number of views that have been recorded.

4. Top Rated FAQs: This report provides a list of FAQs with the star rating and associated votes by your customers.

5. Tickets by Product: This report allows you to sort and display tickets by Product, Tag(s) and Time span.

6.Ticket by Tags: This report displays the total tickets associated to all Tags.

Agent Reports

1. Summary: This reports provides two charts that plot Open Tickets by Agent and Tickets Closed by Agent.

2. Timesheet: This report displays agents tracked time by company.

Company Reports

1. Summary: This report provides a general overview of key statistics of how your customers interact with your support team.

2. Top No. Of Support Tickets: This report provides the total number of support tickets created by company or individuals.

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