How can I find my customer support URL in the Cayzu helpdesk portal?

Updated: 05/25/2022
Article #: 13

Each Cayzu service provider is assigned their own unique helpdesk URL, example: Some service providers will choose to instead use a custom domain (URL) to enforce their own brand. So instead of directing their own customers to, they could point them to:  

To accomplish this, you will need to find out what your unique helpdesk URL is. To find your URL, follow these steps:

1. Login to your Cayzu portal as an administrator.

2. Click on Admin (from the left menu) 

3. Click Brands

4. Click on the brand name to display the settings  

5. Now navigate to the field titled End-User Customer Portal URL. This field will display your unique helpdesk URL.

Need help customizing your own custom URL (Vanity)? See this FAQ . Want to set up multiple brands? See this FAQ.

Want more information on Cayzu Helpdesk, visit: 

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