How can I setup custom forms?

Updated: 05/24/2022
Article #: 116


Cayzu allows you to create forms to allow you to ask the right questions from the start on your end-user portal.

To do this, follow these steps or watch our YouTube video.

1. Log in to your Cayzu help desk portal with an administrative account.

2. Click on Admin (left side menu) to access the Admin section.

3. Click on Custom Forms.

4. Click Add Custom Form or Edit (to modify an existing form).

5. Select your icon and fill in the form's name and description.

6. (Optional) If you require additional information that is specific to your business, these fields can be added to the form by first creating custom fields . After you've created a custom field, you can add it to the form here:


7. (Optional) Drag and drop your visible fields to re-order them.

8. (Optional) If you'd like to make the form visible to ONLY agents (not visible/exposed on your end-user portal) check on this check box: Not visible to end-user customer portal.

9. Once complete, Click Save and your form will be available on your end-user customer portal by click "Submit a Request".  Repeat the above steps for any additional forms that you'd like to create.

To learn more about Cayzu Help Desk, visit 

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